Career Services Contact Information
Choate Campus: Room 140
Phone: (716) 827-2444

The Career Services office provides comprehensive career preparation services for Trocaire College students and alumni. Assistance is available to students seeking a job while in school or searching for their first job following graduation. Career Services assists students with creating resumes, cover letters, practicing job interview skills, and hosts several opportunities for students to meet directly with employers each semester.

Updated job postings, on-campus employer recruitment visits, and job fair information are available in Handshake and on the Career Services webpage.

Career Competency Certificate Program

The Career Competency Certificate is a structured opportunity for students to gain career readiness knowledge and skills to better prepare themselves to enter the job market. Career readiness is the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workplace. Students who participate in this program will work closely with the Career Services Coordinator to complete the career modules in Moodle and will receive a certificate upon successful program completion.

Career Counseling

Career Counseling is available to students and alumni to assist with re-assessing career direction or confirming career choices. A variety of career and personality assessments are offered to assist students and alumni with determining their educational and occupational choices; preferences for particular job duties; aptitudes and achievement in various areas; and preferences for particular qualities of the work environment. All career counseling services are free of charge for current students and alumni.

Employment and Continuing Education Summary

To obtain the latest graduation, employment, and continuing education information contact the Career Services office at (716) 827-2444 or

Transfer Counseling

Transfer counseling is available to students who are interested in continuing their education in a new program at Trocaire College or transferring to another institution.